UKB Marketing Generates 971% Return on Ad Spend for GOLD Eighties Music Festival

UKB Marketing generated an average of 971% return on ad spend using digital marketing for GOLD Eighties Music Festival, contributing to the event being sold out months in advance.

The digital marketing promotion was launched on Facebook and Instagram in December 2019 and ran until February 2020 when the event announced it was sold out.

UKB Marketing worked alongside the event organisers to drive ticket sales and increase awareness via Facebook and Instagram advertising.

The power of using these digital marketing channels is the ability to reach a large, targeted audience of potential customers, then retarget everyone who’s expressed an interest in the event. During the promotion for GOLD, the retargeting campaigns generated over 40x return on ad spend, showing the value of this approach.

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We're a digital marketing agency based in Bournemouth, UK.

UKB Marketing specialises in building results-driven marketing campaigns that convert and engage with your target audience, leading to increased revenue.